
Savings Account Options

We all have different reasons that inspire us to save money. Whether you're saving for a new vehicle, a rainy day, or the unexpected, CorTrust offers a wide variety of savings accounts based on your unique situation. Simply choose an account option that fits your goals and we'll help you get there. And with competitive rates, mixed with our easy account opening process, you know you'll be set up for success. For more information about our savings account options, contact a banker.

CorSavings Account

CorSavings accounts require a small opening deposit. Earn interest on your savings with rates subject to change at CorTrust Bank's discretion. Interest is compounded and paid quarterly, allowing your savings to grow!


Dino-Saver Account

Our Dino-Saver account is designed to help youth learn the value and benefits of saving from an early age. Intended for those 18 years of age or younger, this savings account gives young savers a head start in managing their money.


IRA Savings Account

Explore your options with CorTrust Bank's wide range of IRAs. Traditional, Roth, or Educational, these accounts empower you to maximize returns and plan for the future while making your money work for you.


Quickly Compare Savings Options

swipe to compare CorSavings* Dino-Saver* IRA Savings
Minimum Opening Deposit South Dakota - $100
Minnesota - $50
$10 $25
Interest Compounded and Paid Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly
Frequency of Rate Change At CorTrust Bank's discretion At CorTrust Bank's discretion At CorTrust Bank's discretion
Tiers and Interest Rates View our current savings account interest rates View our current savings account interest rates View our current savings account interest rates
Online Account Opening South Dakota Residents
Minnesota Residents
South Dakota Residents
Minnesota Residents
South Dakota Residents
Minnesota Residents

*Fees: $2.00 each debit transaction (withdrawal, automatic transfer, or payment) in excess of six per month or if account falls below the minimum balance any day during the month.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

A CD is a special type of deposit account that typically offers a higher rate of interest than a regular savings account. Sounds good, right? We offer a variety of CDs suited to your needs. You can choose a short-term or long-term CD and get a fixed interest rate so you know exactly what you will get back once your term is complete. Check out some of the features of our CD products:

  • Interest Rates: View our current CD interest rates
  • Interest Compounded and Paid: 91 day and 182 day CDs are compounded and paid at maturity. All other CDs are compounded and paid quarterly.
  • Fees:
    • CDs of one year or less - 30 day interest penalty
    • CDs of more than one year - 180 day interest penalty

Saving Calculator

Savings accounts are a great way to plan for your future and those unexpected expenses. See how far your monthly contribution accumulates through the years with our Monthly Savings Accumulation Calculator.

Get Started


Ascent simplifies the process of saving money by automatically putting your daily debit card transactions to work for you. Whenever you make a purchase, Ascent will round up or down to the nearest dollar and put the difference into your savings account.

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Visit a CorTrust Bank branch near you to connect with a personal banker who gets you. We serve towns across South Dakota and Minnesota, making it easy for you to experience personalized financial support right in your neighborhood.

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Open An Account Online

Skip the trip and apply for a savings account from the comfort of your home!

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