April 22, 2019

Spring Home Maintenance Tips

Home Improvement Home Ownership

With spring upon us, it's time to get your home and yard ready for the new season! Here are a few ways to prep for the warming weather and longer days.

Start your spring cleaning.

It's not just a cliche term- spring is when you can finally clean and open the windows after the long, dark winter. Wipe down the blinds, shampoo the rugs, dust in the corners, and brighten your home and spirits.

Tune up the HVAC system.

Just as you did in the fall, you should get your furnace and A/C tuned up, vents cleaned out (if necessary), and change your air filters. Check that your air conditioner is working before you really need it. Get the chimney and fireplace cleaned out too, and check your dryer vent while you're at it for a buildup of lint (which can catch fire).

Organize and declutter.

Every room and drawer will benefit from a good sorting. Make your piles of Keep, Toss, and Donate throughout the house, and be sure each pile is properly disposed of. Any gadget or article of clothing you haven't touched in a year is a candidate for the Toss and Donate piles. Also, go through the fridge and freezer, checking expiration dates, and tossing anything that's gone bade or gotten freezer burn. Be sure to take a sponge and warm soapy water to the shelves in addition.

Prep for yardwork.

Now is a great time to get your tools in shape, such as scrubbing rust from your year or ensuring hinges are well oiled. Also be sure to switch out snow shovels for gardening tools, tucking winter gadgets to the back of your shed and moving the others to the front. Consider hosing out the tool shed itself and cleaning the cobwebs and creatures from the corners. Now is also a good time to hose out your trash and recycling bins.

Gear up for gardening.

Prepare your soil for spring planting by aerating, fertilizing, and mulching. Plant new foliage only after your area has been frost-free for at least two weeks.

Get ready for outdoor living.

Check your patio furniture for rust and damage, and give the cushions a good wash. Hang them in the sun to dry, which will save some energy and help them smell fresh after being in storage for months.

Start preparing now, and when the warmer weather comes, you'll be ready to relax and enjoy it!