October 14, 2022

Go Local This Holiday Season

Holiday Season

Planning some shopping to spread cheer this holiday season? Focus on the community and consider picking up a one-of-a-kind creation from your local small businesses. By doing so, you'll be giving a gift that keeps on giving - local economic prosperity.

Did you know that for every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $48 is returned to the local economy compared to just $14 when you shop at a national chain? Or that the country's 32.5 million small businesses have create 62% of net new U.S. jobs since 1995? So when you shop locally, you're not only putting your hard-earned dollars to work in your community, you're supporting the engines that fuel our national economy.

Independent, community-serving businesses typically consume less land, carry more locally made products, and create less traffic and air pollution, so it's good for the environment too.

And locally sourced goods and services are often crafted by local artisans and are exclusive to our region, making for memorable gift-giving during the holidays and beyond.

If you prefer your gifts without a shiny bow, gift an "experience" to an outside concert, pick up a meal from the local family-run restaurant, or host an intimate party with a few friends and family. These memory makers are a great way to stay connected as we adjust to the new normal and continue to support small businesses and help sustain the local economy.

Show support for entrepreneurs and small businesses throughout the year by shopping locally and encouraging your friends and neighbors to do the same.